Tuesday, 26 November 2013

What should have been..........

Day 101 of my 365 day blog challenge....

What should have been day 328 of my 365 day blog challenge is only day 101.  I guess I've missed a few days in between.  I would like to share why I stopped writing......

My last blog that I posted was on April 11, 2013.  This date is especially important because that's the day of my 6 year clear of cancer.  That might have also been a reason why I stopped.  Cancer! Fuckin Cancer (sorry to my 96 year old Auntie Edna).  Ya, there I said it! Every single minute of the day someone is talking about it. Parents are being told that there child isn't well.  Children are losing their parents.  Parents are losing their children.  Grandparents are losing their grandchildren and grandchildren are losing their grandparents.  Then there are the survivors.  The amazing survivors who fought and fought to stay alive and their friends and loved ones right by their side reminding them how much they are loved. 

I had just celebrated my 6 year clear of this crap! My life was on track.  I was happy, wasn't depressed and feeling optimistic. Then boom!!! My Mom whom I love deeply called to tell me she had cancer and has been given 3-6 months to live.  My whole world crumbled again in that moment......

I have so much more to share.  But I feel at this moment that's all I can give. 

So I hope that you will continue again to follow my blog.  You will never understand how much your support has meant to me.  So Thank You! I will continue to blog again.  I am still committed
to a 365 day blog.  I can't promise you that I will be writing every night.  But what I can promise is that I will do a 365 day blog but it might take me 3 years..........LOL

With much love and admiration,

Thursday, 11 April 2013

A true test of strength.......

Day 100 of my 365 day blog challenge.....

So today I celebrate my 6 year clear of cancer.  I have been waiting for this day for a long time.  April 11 is a day that will forever be in my mind.  All kinds of emotions are running through me. But most of all, I am proud of myself. 

April 8 is now a day that will forever be in my mind.  A day that started again the true test of strength.  My best friend, confidant and the most amazing mom called to tell me that she now has a battle of her own.  I can't even spell that word when it comes to my mom.  I can't even think about it.  But I have to......

I am leaving tomorrow morning for an undetermined amount of time to go to Ontario.  I am leaving behind my own family to be right where I am mostly needed right now.......holding my moms hand.  She held mine and I will be right beside her.  I understand how scared she is.  I am too.........She's my mom and together we will heal..............

I will continue blogging updates about my beautiful mom from this day forward.  Please send her healing vibes, peace and love.  We have a big battle ahead, but the bond that we share will never be broken..

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Yet another challenge......

Day 99 of my 365 day blog challenge

Sorry that I haven't been able to upload the last 3 blogs from my phone.  I will have to figure it out as I will be away from the computer for awhile....

I am leaving Friday morning and going to Ontario.  I have just received some very unexpected and devastating news and my mom needs me right now.  I am not sure how long I will be with her and my family, but this isn't easy to leave Karen and Nathan right now.  I know that they are in good hands with our amazing Vancouver friends.

So I will keep you posted and continue my blog challenge as it unfolds...........

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

An unexpected message that warmed my heart.........

Day 96 of my 365 day blog challenge...

I was waiting until his birthday to write a post about another special guy in my life.  But then today an unexpected message was sent to me from him via facebook and it absolutely warmed my heart...

That cool guy dressed in the Caption America gear is my cousin Corey aka Corey Porne Jaffray Madore on facebook.  See I have 4 cousins (my aunt Cindy moms sister).  I've already written about the twins Mathieu and Jay and Christine.  I was waiting to write about Corey, but he sent me a message today that I just had to blog about.  Last year he went travelling and was living in London England for awhile.  He was working at a cinema and had the opportunity to sport this cool outfit when the movie came out.  This is so fitting for Corey and of course he looks awesome!!

I received a message from him today that really touched me.  As I said when I started this blog 96 days ago.  This will be a real challenge.  I mean 365 days!!! But I kicked cancer ass so blogging for 1 year shouldn't be a problem.....ha!! As many of you have commented and let me know that you have been reading my blogs and how you look forward to them.  I can't even tell you what that means to me.  I mean...wow!! But to receive a message today from my cousin who is young and caught up in his own life to take the time to sit down and send me a heartwarming message.............wow! He let me know that he reads my blogs daily and wanted me to know how amazing I am and how proud he is of me.  It honestly brought tears to my eyes.

Corey has always been such a sweet kid.  Good looking, intelligent, crazy and such a kind heart.  He is a gentle soul.  I was 17 when Corey was born and right from the start he had a piece of my heart.  It's just one of those things you can't explain.  He was like a little brother to me.  I watched him grow.  When I got sick, it was so hard for me to see them.  I knew that they always looked up to me and I never wanted them to see me that way.  We all embraced and I told them that I was going to be okay.  That's a promise I plan to keep. 

So this blog today is a tribute to my cousin Corey: You have grown from such a sweet little boy into an amazing man and I couldn't be more proud of you.  We don't have to talk for you to know how much you mean to me.  I support you and have an unconditional love.  Thank you for your amazing message that has lifted me up today.  Thank you for your words of encouragement to continue with my blog and conquer this challenge!! I miss you much and love you!!

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving so much thanks and sending much love!!!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The blog about nothing.......

Day 95 of my 365 day blog challenge

I have been sitting here for the last 15 minutes trying to figure out what to write about tonight.  I am at day 95!! I have been writing a blog everyday for the last 3 months...wow! That's an accomplishment in itself.  But i am really struggling right now to think of funny or interesting stories to write about.  Though I am watching the Canucks and Schneider made an awesome save right now :)

We do our best in this house not to miss a hockey game.  We are Canucks fans and love watching it.  It's usually a family event.  I remember growing up and watching Toronto with my dad.  It was a no brainer to flip teams when I moved to Vancouver.  I mean seriously, why would I cheer for the Maple Leafs.......LOL

Well Nathan is still up watching the game.  It's time to pause it and get him to bed.  Sorry it's not so interesting tonight.  My mind is tired and that's okay...

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

Friday, 5 April 2013

What is your health worth?

Day 94 of my 365 day blog challenge

The body is your temple, keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in........I met someone many, many years ago who once said to me "my body is my temple so I don't drink alcohol".  I thought she was crazy.  Almost 20 years later, I finally understand it.  She was a wise woman.  Our bodies are our temples.  Fuel them with whole foods, yoga, meditation and exercise and they repay you with great health.  Eat "foods" that you know aren't good for you, don't exercise and your body with repay you with disease and illness.  So what is your health worth? Are you mindful of what you fuel your body with? Or do you think that you are untouchable and you are going to die anyways so you might as well enjoy it.

I always remember my dad telling me that he will only live to be 52 years old.  Not a great thing to say to your kids.  He ate anything and everything.  Then around age 61 he had a heart attack.  Scared the shit out of him for long enough to change his eating for about 1 month.  Then sadly he went back to his ways.  Though he did quit smoking after smoking 2 packs per day since he was 15 years old....amazing!! Then when he was 67 he had another heart attack and passed away a few days later :( What was his health worth to him? He always said "when my numbers up it's up".  I wonder when he was waiting for the ambulance after his heart attack if he wished he had made a few more changes along the way........I'm sure he did :(

So what is your health worth? Life is worth living and that's what it's for.  But I know first hand that when you are diagnosed with something and facing death, the last thing you want to say to yourself is "I wish I did things different".   You never want to hear the words from a doctor "you have cancer or I'm sorry there's nothing we can do".  Because that's an oh shit moment.  By then it's too late to turn back the clock. 

The body is your temple, keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.  What is your health worth?

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  To good health!!! Giving thanks!!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

What to write about tonight

Day 93 of my 365 day blog challenge

When did life get so busy? Karen is just getting home after leaving for work at 8:30am this morning and I too have just sat down after getting up at 5:00am! What the heck is going on???

When I think back to only 2 years ago.  I would spend my time spinning my wheels trying to find the strength within to motivate and function in life.  Now I'm up with the birds, going all days none stop and relaxing at 9:30 at night.  I am in no way complaining.  Happy to be in a good space now.  Does anyone else feel this way? I need a vacation!! Any offers?

Do you ever feel like life is passing you by? Or feel like you are simply existing and not living? Simply existing is not good enough!! I want to live life to it's fullest! I want to experience all that I can experience and give Nathan those same experiences.  I want to travel the world and go live on an island somewhere with the locals.  Or build homes from families.  My dreams are to help others live happier, healthier lives.  I want to do more public speaking again in front of crowds of thousands!!! These are some of my goals and dreams that I am working towards.  I have waited too much time being sick!! I have a lot to make up for :)

Do you have any questions for me? or something you don't know about me that you are curious about? I'd love to blog about it!!!

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!