Saturday 6 April 2013

The blog about nothing.......

Day 95 of my 365 day blog challenge

I have been sitting here for the last 15 minutes trying to figure out what to write about tonight.  I am at day 95!! I have been writing a blog everyday for the last 3! That's an accomplishment in itself.  But i am really struggling right now to think of funny or interesting stories to write about.  Though I am watching the Canucks and Schneider made an awesome save right now :)

We do our best in this house not to miss a hockey game.  We are Canucks fans and love watching it.  It's usually a family event.  I remember growing up and watching Toronto with my dad.  It was a no brainer to flip teams when I moved to Vancouver.  I mean seriously, why would I cheer for the Maple Leafs.......LOL

Well Nathan is still up watching the game.  It's time to pause it and get him to bed.  Sorry it's not so interesting tonight.  My mind is tired and that's okay...

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

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