Day 93 of my 365 day blog challenge
When did life get so busy? Karen is just getting home after leaving for work at 8:30am this morning and I too have just sat down after getting up at 5:00am! What the heck is going on???
When I think back to only 2 years ago. I would spend my time spinning my wheels trying to find the strength within to motivate and function in life. Now I'm up with the birds, going all days none stop and relaxing at 9:30 at night. I am in no way complaining. Happy to be in a good space now. Does anyone else feel this way? I need a vacation!! Any offers?
Do you ever feel like life is passing you by? Or feel like you are simply existing and not living? Simply existing is not good enough!! I want to live life to it's fullest! I want to experience all that I can experience and give Nathan those same experiences. I want to travel the world and go live on an island somewhere with the locals. Or build homes from families. My dreams are to help others live happier, healthier lives. I want to do more public speaking again in front of crowds of thousands!!! These are some of my goals and dreams that I am working towards. I have waited too much time being sick!! I have a lot to make up for :)
Do you have any questions for me? or something you don't know about me that you are curious about? I'd love to blog about it!!!
Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting. Giving thanks!!
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