Tuesday, 12 March 2013

A good man **special tribute post**

Day 71 of my 365 day blog challenge

So today is a very special day.  Though my father passed away 3 years ago today, I want to celebrate his amazing life.  He was a good man! A man that everyone loved.  Well except the ones he told off..lol I'm sure they even found him charming :)

I don't want to focus on the day I let go of my dads hand.  I feel blessed to have been by his side leading up to his passing.  I want to talk about the man who loved his family deeply and would do anything for them and those in his life.  My dad was handsome, funny and new a lot about a lot.  He came to Canada when he was just 12 years old from Italy.  For as long as I could remember, he was in the body shop business (cars) lol

I was spoiled........but very grounded.  I never bragged and always shared whatever I had with my friends.  My parents always welcomed my friends.  They included everyone and were always very loving.

In the winter time my dad would get out the water hose and help me build snow forts and even built an ice rink every winter in our backyard for us to play hockey on.  In the summer my parents would open up our travel trailer in the backyard so that we could have sleepovers.  Anything I wanted to do, I did it.  My dad was tough but had such a big loving heart.  He was always happy with a smile on his face.  But he had a big emotional side too and would cry very easily.  I got that from him...:)

I know that my dad was absolutely heartbroken and felt helpless when I told him I had cancer.  That was so difficult.....When I flew home to Toronto about 5 months into chemo and was bald, he put his arms around me and we cried.  He told me that I looked beautiful and that I was going to be okay.  I am sooooo thankful that my dad lived to see me beat it and to be healthy again.

My dad would have been 71 years old this year and today is my 71 day of my blog.  Strange.......but definitely meant to be.

DAD: Thank you for all the love, the life lessons and the best childhood!!! I feel your presence everyday.  I know you are here.  A part of me is missing and will only be whole when we embrace again one day.  Thank you for being my strength, my mentor and my Father.  Today and each and every day I celebrate your life!!! I love you dad xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I Love you Tracy! I am very grateful I was lucky enough to share beautiful Italian food with your father, an evening I will always cherish xoxoxo
