Friday, 22 March 2013

Songs carry such depth.......

Day 81 of my 365 day blog challenge

I heard this song "I hope you dance" on the radio the other day and I hadn't heard it for a long time.  Regardless what you think about this kind of music (I enjoy a wide range) for me the lyrics were so powerful! I have to admit that when I was going through chemotherapy, this way one of the songs that keep me going.  If you take a moment to listen to the lyrics, I'm sure you would understand why.  The power of music. 

Everyone has that special song that reminds them of their first love or their breakup song.  Wedding song or pump up song.  You know I am now going to lead into a

When I was in Grade school walking around with my Getttoooo blaster on my shoulder (yes, I was one of those).  My Nanny bought me the biggest one should could find and I'm sure it needed about 12 D I was at school and playing my tunes at lunch on the play ground.  Then, I don't know what happened but an argument started between myself and someone else.  Well, I put down my getto blaster, hit play on the dual cassette deck and blaster Pat Benetars "Hit me with your best shot" or yes I did.....5 minutes later I was in the principals office losing my getto blaster and explaining my actions.........LOL

Joan Jett "I love Rock and Roll".  I remember I must have been about 11 years old and I was given the 45 album of that song.  It was my birthday party and our house was full.  We were dancing and singing all day

Last and best childhood memory song for now....."We are the champions" Ya, whether it was baseball or hockey I remember playing that song over and over in the dugout or dressing room.  The little bugger in me was probably chanting it.....:)

There's many song lyrics out there that remind us of different times in our lives.  It doesn't matter what kind of music it is, it connects us.

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!!

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