Day 61 of my 365 day blog challenge.
"Take the long way home" lyrics by Super tramp. I grew up listening to Super tramp and Meatloaf while riding around in the backseat of my Aunt Cindy's blue 1982 (i think) Honda Civic hatchback. Ahhhh 8 track
My aunt and I are only 11 years apart. So that would make her 28 years old today ;) Growing up Aunt Cindy was such a big part of my life and even more so today.
Just a year after I was diagnosed with cancer, my aunt was diagnosed with MS :( Though she is doing well today, she was way too young as was I to be diagnosed with such illnesses. But we are fighters!!!
Thank you Aunt Cindy for taking me to my first movie: ET, for buying me my first Roots sweater and for Always, always being there whenever I needed you. I couldn't ask for a better Aunt. You are an amazing mom to 4 beautiful amazing kids who adore you.
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy,Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happppyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthday Aunt Cindy (sorry, didn't have candles)
Looking forward to celebrating many more....thanks for being amazing!!!! With much love and admiration. xoxoxoo
Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting. Giving thanks
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