Tuesday 19 March 2013

I miss my Mom....my!!

Day 78 of my 365 day blog challenge

That's right, I said it and I'm not ashamed.......I miss my mommy!! Making the decision to move out West 12 years ago didn't come easy.  We knew that we were leaving our loving family and that was difficult. 

As my mom gets older, it saddens me that I only see her once a year.  I will change that!! We talk on the phone every single day.  We rarely miss one.  My mom is so awesome! I would love to plan a vacation away just her and I.  I know she misses us and her grandson.  She has been through a lot, but she is tough!! I thought I got my toughness from my dad, but I realize I got my emotional side from him.....lol

I remember when I was a kid and I would do something to get me into trouble.  My mom would run to the cupboard to get a wooden spoon.  Sometimes she caught me and others times I grabbed the spoon and broke it over my knee then ran like crazy..........LOL 

Both my parents were so involved in my sports growing up as we are with Nathan.  I am so thankful for that.  To share those experiences with your parents are priceless.

Mom: thanks for a lifetime of unconditional love.  Thanks for picking me up from school a few times when I called to tell you I was suspended...lol Thanks for all the time moments in my life that have contributed to who I am today.  Thanks for all that you are and all that you do!! You are amazing and you are loved! xo

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

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