Sunday 24 March 2013

Melissa Etheridge rocks!!!

Day 83 of my 365 day blog challenge

Love her or not it doesn't matter to me.  Melissa Etheridge Rocks!! I was introduced to Etheridge when I was 19 and landscaping.  She reminded me of Janis Joplin who I was listening to then.  I immediately went out and got her CD.  I've been to many of her concerts and just love her music. 

I would love to go and see her this year.  Haven't bought a ticket yet :( Something about her music just moves me......As for Melissa herself, she's not my

She has inspired me to learn guitar.  I've been wanting to learn for over 5 years now, but that's never happened.  I am going to promise and commit to myself that I will learn before this year is over!!! I even has an acoustic guitar that my cousin gave me so no more excuses!!  I will keep you updated on that!!!

Time to go and listen to some Etheridge.  You should check her out sometime if you haven't already.

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks

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