Thursday, 21 March 2013

Being responsible for another life......

Day 80 of my 365 day blog challenge

At times when I actually think about it, I am a mom.  I am responsible for Nathan.  Responsible to ensure that he has all that life has to offer.  To love him unconditionally and encourage him and support him.  Me.........I am a parent.  Who allowed such a thing......LOL

I often wonder what his childhood memories are going to be.  I know he loves his moms so much and we know the importance for him to be surrounded by positive male influences.  He has that. 

I remember in school I was given an egg (as a baby) to take care of as part of a project we were doing.  I dropped it within the first 5 I know, I went to a trade school........don't

This little guy is my greatest joy! I know that I have said this before, but wow! He is my strength...

Today my mom asked said to me that she doesn't know how I can think of something to write everyday.  I told her that I have a lot to tell!! She laughed and said yes :) As I said before, I was a good kid but I definitely had a tough side (in case you didn't notice).  I had a curfew (obied it), didn't party and never got into trouble at school.  Okay, that last part was a lie.......I had to call my mom on a few occasions from High school before the principle got to her first.  Yes, I was suspended a few times.  But that's because I was always protecting the kids that were being picked on.  I didn't take any crap from anyone then.  So, I would call my mom and she would come and pick me up.  We would go to lunch, the mall etc for the next 3 days and never told my

We may or may not have our hands full with Nathan when he heads into his teenage years.  All I know is that Karen and I work hard everyday to ensure that we are setting a solid foundation for him.  We will always love him unconditionally.  We made that promise to him the day we welcomed him into our world.

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and much love!!

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