Friday 8 March 2013

Now I understand what my parents went through..:)

Day 67 of my 365 day blog challenge

Tomorrow morning Nathan's soccer league is finished for the season (yes, we play outdoor soccer here in Vancouver Sept-Mar).  Then tomorrow afternoon Nathan's baseball tryouts start......LOL From one little cute uniform to another. 

As a kid you don't realize what your parents do to ensure that you stay active, learn, play etc...We as parents do a lot!! I use to go bowling in the morning, then go to my hockey game, then go skiing sometimes after that.  In the summer I would play baseball, race my go-kart, go swimming etc...How did my parents do it? Running here there and everywhere.  Now thats Whatever it takes! We really do enjoy it.

This year I am the Rookie coordinator and head coach for Nathan's baseball league.  What was I thinking volunteering for that :) It's my job to make sure that all kids are placed as even as possible on the teams.  Ensure that all teams have a coach, organize the tournaments and be the go to person if all crap hits the fan.  I'm pretty sure that I am following in my dads

Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.  Nathan enjoys having his parents involved.  I'm not sure for how long, so for now I will take what I can get!!

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks

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