Saturday 16 March 2013

What to blog about tonight.....

I work hard everyday to connect with self! Me at age 6 :)

Day 75 of my 365 day blog challenge...

I just realized that Nathan is starting March break on Monday.  Not only for 1 week, but for 2! Yes, the kids are off for 2 full weeks!!! So thankful and grateful for the Boys and Girls club!!

I'm not really sure when this 2 weeks off started, but I don't remember having that much time off at March break.  Two years ago we were in Hawaii and Mexico back to back.  So the long break didn't seem so long.  This one will be

I am having a really hard time blogging tonight.  I was up at 4:30am (by choice and yes on my day off) doing some meditation and work on a project I am working on.  So I think it's okay to be okay with my mind being a little tired. 

So for now I leave you with this thought to ponder: Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing!

I feel blessed and am thankful for everyday! I will achieve everything that I desire!

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!

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