Sunday 17 February 2013

Another fun childhood memory....

Day 48 of my 365 day blog challenge...

This picture was taken in 2008 when I was still going through chemotherapy.  We were heading out to trick or treat with Nathan.  Thought I was cool.......

I will never forget when I was about 10 years old and it was Halloween.  I wanted to be R2-D2....I know, really Because my dad ran a auto body shop painting my costume wasn't a problem.  Oh ya, you heard me right...a car shop!! My dad put my costume together with cardboard boxes for my body and head.  He put what looked like that thick accordion laundry hose for my arms.  Then he painted it all silver guessed paint!!! I couldn't wait to put that costume on.  He put on sticker decals, cut out eyes and even painted a pair of my pants silver and You wouldn't believe how many people commented and stopped me on the street to check out my costume.  My dad could have made 100 of them and sold them easily.  It was the best costume ever! So awesome that he made it 2 years in a row for me.  The only downside to the costume....the fumes from the paint.  I'm pretty sure that I smelt those for weeks.....can't be good! LOL

Thanks dad for another awesome childhood memory!!! xo

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sending love!!

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