Wednesday 13 February 2013

Special Birthday post: My sweet Stepdad Michael

Day 44 of my 365 day blog challenge

Through heartache and sadness after losing someone you've been with for over 40 years comes another chance at love.  Some people are only blessed once in their lifetime with marriage and true love.  My mom and step dad Mike have been blessed twice..........

Being new at this stepdaughter thing, I thought it was Mike's birthday yesterday......:( When I realised last night at 11:00pm, I had already done my post.

I never imagined my mom's life without my father.  I always thought that they would grow old together.  Then when he got sick and passed away, I worried about my mom.  She met my dad when she was 17 and they were together ever since.  I knew that my father was never coming back and I knew that my mom had many years of happiness ahead.  When I met Mike, it was easy to understand why my mom fell in love.  Mike isn't replacing my father, but rather adding to our lives.

Mike: you a kind gentle man.  All our lives have been enriched now with you and your beautiful family.  We look forward to many more wonderful birthday's.  Thank you for welcoming Karen, myself and Nathan into your family with open arms.  Onto the next chapter of your life with my mom.  Cheers to creating many memories.  Love you daddy Mike :) xo

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sharing love.

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