Saturday 2 February 2013

What was I thinking 😉

Day 32 of my 365 day blog challenge.

Today's blog is: what was I thinking challenging myself to a daily blog...LOL this is a picture of writer's  block ;)

It seriously is a challenge.  That I will conquer! It's been 31 days of blogging thus far.  31 days!! I've written something every day for 31 days! That's awesome! What's more awesome is the reading, the commenting and sharing.  Wow! I feel so loved and blessed. 

Most of the blogs have been easy to write while others not so much.  Some flow, some may not.  But I really feel like I am connecting with friends and family near and far.  Possibly some new friends too.  I have had over 1600 reviews!! People from around the world.  Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe.  So sweet!!

I feel now that it's my path to continuing to share this journey with you.

I really hope your are enjoying.  
Sneak preview of what's to come: 
Special blog posts on family birthdays (you never know, I might do another about a friend) :)
My 6 year clear is fast approaching!
My 41 birthday.  What was my first year being 444444400000000DDDD
And so much more!!!
If you want to know anything (maybe not anything) :) about me.  Just ask! 
Would love to blog about it!

I guess I did have a blog to write after all 😉

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.  Giving thanks and sending love.

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