Sunday 3 February 2013

Hanging out with the SFU girls.......

Day 34 of my 365 day blog challenge
**This is for you Coral** :)
Who would have thought that Karen, myself and Nathan would be spending our Sunday nights with university students.  This is a picture of my cousin Christine (on left) and her buddy Coral (from Pittsburgh).  Christine is here from Ontario going to University at SFU  (I couldn't be happier and more proud of her). 

We wanted to have any open door policy with Christine knowing that even though she was far away from home, she can still be around family.  Christine suggested having Sunday night family dinners.  Giving her a break from the food at school and hanging with us while enjoying a home cooked Vegan meal :) I should also mention a beer free zone...LOL We also thought it would be nice for her to bring a friend, or two and sometimes three.......and laundry......LOL We met Coral and her other good friend Olivia in September.  Olivia has been here for many dinners, but its Coral who Christine comes with the most.  Christine has some great friends.  Smart, driven, friendly and super cool!!! We really enjoy Sunday night dinners and look forward to seeing them.  Nathan on the other hand says we are all too loud.....LOL

The girls know that we are here for them if they need us.  Whether it's 3am and they need a ride home or are just having a bad day.  We want to be the home away from home for them.  We wouldn't have it any other way!

Only 3 more years of Sunday night dinners...........LOL

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sending love!!

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