Monday 25 February 2013

I get to do it all over again...........

Day 56 of my 365 day blog challenge.

Ahhh video games....whether you like them or love them now, chances are you played them when you where young.  Difference is, if you are my age our games were played on colecovision or atari.  We played pac-man and frogger, gentle fun games :)

We have a Wii sport. We bought it a couple of years ago because we really liked the unit and thought that baseball, bowling, hockey etc would be fun! It is! Nathan is really into Skylanders right now and who could forget Super Mario Bros.  He is not obsessed with it and can go weeks without playing.  But when we have family challenges, that's fun! Times are different now.  When Nathan plays, usually one or all of us are playing a game together.  When I was a kid playing my colecovision, my parents couldn't be  I Loved my colecovision.  All my friends had Atari so they always wanted to come hang out and play at my place. 

There are many amazing moments about being a mom.  But the fact that I get to play video games again and am now learning from my son, is pretty cool!!! These were some of my best childhood memories.  By sharing this time with Nathan, I hope I am creating some of his best.

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks.

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