Tuesday 19 February 2013

In a happy place but understanding that I am tired.....

Day 50 of my 365 day blog challenge

My day started out today by driving my aunt to the airport as she was visiting for 2 weeks.  That drive was at 5:00am which is usually the time that I get up in the morning.  But this morning I was up at 4:30am.  Drove my aunt to the airport.  Went to the gym for 6-7am and arrived at work for 8am.  Worked from 8-4:30pm, came home and got Nathan ready for soccer.  Arrived home at 7:20pm and had to leave for an 8pm meeting at work tonight and just arrived back home 30 minutes ago......So needless to say, I am a little tired............This picture was taken this morning around 7:30am lol.

I wanted to blog tonight because that's what I have committed to doing and I enjoy it.  So there it is...
and now I am going to bed! Back up at 5am :)

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!!!

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