Sunday 24 February 2013

Rock, paper, scissor style.........

Day 55 of my 365 day blog challenge

Most people who have debates usually settle them by talking them through.  Not the Di Venanzo family.  We settle our decisions based on a rock, paper, scissor challenge.  Not just one round but rather the best of  Nathan loves doing this.  He also loves watching his parents do the challenge.  It's always entertaining. 

But we really do have conversations where we talk things through.  But this is way more fun! Nathan has always enjoyed having a competition.  Whether it's playing hockey in the condo (questionable goals are settled by RPS) :) playing scrabble, Mario Wii challenge etc..... Up until this year, Nathan would cry if he didn't He's 7 now so that rarely happens :)

I'm sure growing up I settled debates with RPS.  That or by yelling and fighting......not proud that's for sure.  I was a little fire cracker for sure.  A little rough around the edges but very loving.  I had to have thick skin and tough                  

Sometimes when I drive by Nathan's school at lunch time, I see the kids settling a debate with RPS.  Very sweet! So the next time you find yourself at a crossroad with someone just challenge them to settle it via RPS.

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks

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