Saturday 9 February 2013

Spirits all around us....if we are open to it

Day 40 of my 365 day blog challenge

Whether or not you believe in spirits, I have experienced it first hand.

My mother and father were married for over 40 years.  For the whole time they were married my father carried their wedding photo in his wallet.  That picture never left.  When my dad died in march 2010 the picture was in his wallet when we received his possessions from hospital.  My mom and I placed the wallet in his top dresser drawer because we were going to put it with my father at his funeral.  Just hours before we were due at the funeral home my mom asked me to get the picture out of my dads wallet.  I opened the drawer where we left it and the wallet was there but the picture wasn't.  I searched very drawer and called my mom in.  She was naturally freaking out and crying.  We emptied all the drawers on the bed and searched and searched.  The picture was no where to be found.  Running late I suggested to my mom that we just grab another wedding picture.  After we said good-bye to my dad we all went back to their home.  I tried to turn on the tv and the remote batteries seemed to be dead.  When I mentioned it to my mom her response was" they can't be dead because your father just replaced them last week".  She suggested that I got back into their room and get batteries from his top drawer.  The same drawers we emptied looking for the picture.  When I opened the top drawer, I screamed in disbelief.  What was sitting face up in the middle of the top drawer as clear as day....... The wedding picture.  I guess my dad wanted my mom to carry on the tradition of  carry around the picture.  She still does........

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sending love!

More tomorrow!

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