Saturday, 23 February 2013

Something in me changed.....

Day 54 of my 365 day blog challenge

Eating raw....what does that mean.  It means that I only eat raw/organic fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  I use a dehydrator instead of an oven and a blender instead of a coffee pot :) I don't cook my food and with only the above 4 ingredients I can make everything from raw cheesecake to pizza! Cheesecake is made with cashews for the filling and Brazil nuts and dates for the crust.  Raw pizza is made with flax seeds, veggies and onions made into a "dough" and then put into the dehydrator until crust becomes hard.  I eat everything from chocolates to "bread" daily without any guilt!!! No wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no grains.  Nothing outside of fruit, veggies nuts and seeds.  I have never felt healthier in my life!

Something in me changed almost 3 years ago when I became a raw foodie ;) I have never looked back.  I want to provide everyone I know with delicious, healthy meals that will change their lives.  I haven't had 1 cold in the whole time I've been raw.  The concept behind eating raw is that when you PH levels in your body are alkaline, then illness can't survive.  Most foods people eat right now are acidic ie meat, wheat, dairy etc..... That's why we have some many illnesses.  Cancer, diabetes, strokes etc....

I never have any guilt when I eat now.  I am completely satisfied with what I am putting into my body.  My body repays me by staying cancer free and healthy.  More to come..

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks!

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