Saturday 2 February 2013

It's not often that we beat Nathan at family game night.

Monopoly Millionaire

Day 33 of my 365 day blog challenge.

In our family we usually find the time to have family game night once or twice per week.  It's usually on Friday nights.  My how Friday nights have club hopping  Whether it's scrabble, Monopoly Millionaire, Yahtzee or cards, it's always fun.   Because Nathan can read so well and he is determined to win, he often does.  But not tonight! I cleaned house on Millionaire...:)

The fact that Nathan can read and understands games so quickly, definitely makes it more fun.  I guess we are all competitive individuals which makes us a competitive family.  Board games are a lot of fun.  Great interaction, reading, multiplication, spelling etc....All important for all areas in life.

Eating dinner every night together at the table talking about our day.  Playing weekly board games.  Engaging in sports and school activities.  Spending Saturday nights with our friends while the boys play.  This is the foundation we are setting for Nathan.  Creating his childhood memories of his family always together.  Karen coaches his soccer and I am his baseball coach.  We are on his school advisory committee and are always very involved. 

We are connected! We have an amazing family and are very blessed. 

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sharing love. 

The winner is!!!


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