Saturday 26 January 2013

Amazing moments....childhood friends!

Day 26 of my 365 day blog challenge

Nathan and Enrique has become really good friends.  They go to the same school together and even though Enrique is 9, they are best buds.  We often have Enrique hanging out with us or Nathan is at his place or out with his family.  The friendship has been growing for 2 years and it's been an amazing thing to watch.  They are both such sweet boys.  They play well together and at times not so well.  But of course they always figure it out.

We feel so fortune to have become such good friends with his parents.  We camp together and our Saturday nights are usually spend at their place playing cards (gone are the partying days) while the kids play/fight/

I know our kids will not only be childhood friends but life long friends.  It's a special bond that they have and that we also have.

I am getting a little tired as it was a tough night playing To be continued tomorrow night.
Do you remember your childhood best friend? I do.......more tomorrow!

Thanks for reading, sharing, commenting.  It's so appreciated! Giving thanks and love.

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