Monday, 14 January 2013

Mom, I'm pregnant....

Day 14 of my 365 day blog challenge.

This picture was taken at Halloween in 1995.  That's me the pirate at 23 years old with my buddy Edit.  I didn't mean Edith, her name is Edit (pronounced Eat it). We were heading out to a club called The Rose (gay club) to party.  I'm sure I thought I was hot.....LOL

Unlike Jodie Foster, I came out to my mom at 19 years old :)  I knew that I needed to tell her though I wasn't sure how I was going to do that.  After giving it much thought, I sat her down on the sofa across from me.  Mom, I have something to tell you.....I'm pregnant.  As she let out a big gasp and covered her mouth,  I said "I'm just kidding, I'm gay"....LOL Then the tears really started to roll.  In between crying she asked "what did she do wrong"? I told her that she didn't do anything wrong.  That I always knew from a very young age that something felt different.  After she stopped crying she hugged me and said "don't tell your father".  So we didn't, for 2 more years....

I remember being in grade 1 and thinking that the girls were so pretty.  Throughout my childhood, I had always felt that way.  I always hung out with the boys playing baseball, hockey, racing our BMX bikes.  Just like the boys, I too wanted the attention of the girls.  I never identified myself as gay.  I just knew that I liked girls, whatever that meant.  I did have one boyfriend in high school, but that was a cover to hide the fact that I liked my best friend.  I started dating girls at 19 when I went to my first gay club with my buddy Edit.  I felt very comfortable, like it was where I belonged.  I knew felt that need to announce to everyone I met that I was gay.  Even today, it's not what defines me rather simply a part of who I am.

I have so much more to say but I will have to continue this tomorrow.  5am comes way too fast :)
To be continued......

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.  Giving love and thanks......

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