Sunday, 27 January 2013

Childhood best friend....

Grade 4 1981/82

Day 27 of my 365 day blog challenge.

Childhood best friend.  We all had one.  That special friend who you did and shared everything with.  My best friend was Zelda Sadler.  We played together, laughed, and fought (maybe that was just me) as I would steal her marbles when we played.  I am sure I made Zelda cry on more than one occasion.  At times I probably wasn't a very nice friend.  I had issues....LOL But Zelda and I always knew that we could count on each other.  We had sleepovers and hung out everyday.  We were very opposite but for whatever reason, we connected.  I played sports and was very athletic.  Zelda's parents unfortunately didn't allow her to play sports.  We were good friends......

I met Zelda when I was about 6 years old.  We lived just north of Jane and Finch in Toronto.  It was a tough area, but we were tough kids :) We went through grade school together and then went to separate high schools.  Then about mid grade 8 my parents decided to move to Mississauga and Zelda and I made other friends.  Moving to the suburbs is a whole other blog for another night. You can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl..........

As we grew older, we lost touch for awhile. But Zelda come to the suburbs for my surprise 16th birthday party.  We then again lost touch for many years.  Missed milestones in each others life.  If it weren't for facebook finding each other, we probably wouldn't have connected again.  When my dad passed away almost 3 years ago, Zelda was there at his funeral.  It brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart to have her there.  Though more than 25 years had passed since we were kids, she was still there for me after all those years. 

This blog is a tribute to my best friend Zelda.  Thanks for being my best childhood friend.  Thanks for all the laughs and the memories that are forever in my heart.  I am sorry for the times that I made you sad....I can only hope that the good times we had were enough to bring a smile to your face when you think about your childhood best friend ;)

Thanks for reading, sharing and commenting.  Giving thanks and sending love!!

1 comment:

  1. You had a go-cart, and your dad drove a different car every year!!! We lived across from each other and it was an amazing childhood in our little Antica Villiage. So many memories......
