Monday 21 January 2013

Happy 12th year wedding anniversary.....Our wedding song

Day 21 of my 365 day blog challenge.

I was having a very hard time yesterday uploading a video I put together for Karen and our Anniversary.  I just ended up posting it on Facebook, so have a look.  Amazed was our wedding song.

On Jan 20, 2001 in Streetsville, Ontario Karen and I exchanged wedding vows and partied with 90 invited guests.  We had a head table of selected family and 80 friends.  We rented a hall, had an open bar and a sit down dinner.  Though our marriage wasn't recognised then, it was all we needed and knew it was true in our hearts.  We had a blast!

Karen and I exchanged rings and wrote our own vows.  We made a promise that day to always love, and be true to each other through sickness and health.  We didn't know that just 6 years later our love would be tested in sickness. 

We have a deep love and respect for each other that has already weathered a few storms.  Karen and I will be together 15 years in June.  It's hard to believe that that I spent 25 years without her.  She is a part of my soul.  A deep love and connection that will last our lifetime. 

Thank you Karen for pursuing me back in 1998.  I knew it then and even more today that our love is everlasting.  You have my heart.......

Thanks for reading, watching my video and sharing.  Giving thanks and love!

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