Friday 18 January 2013

Lifelong friends in the least expected place.

Day 18 of my 365 day blog challenge

Karen and I have been camping a few times.  She loves it and I usually complain the whole time leading up to the trip, during the trip and for about a week after we get home.  But I do it for Karen.....and now Nathan. 

In 2010 we drove to Penticton BC (about 5 hours away) because friends of ours told us about a popular family campground on the lake.  When we arrived after a beautiful drive I feel in love.  Surrounded by mountains, an awesome beach and huge lake.  Then we had to unpack and pitch the tent.  Fell out of love at this We noticed right away that this campground was packed with families.  It seemed that everyone knew each other.  Kids would be running from site to site, between trailers, jumping off the dock or buying candy at the store.  People hugged each other when friends arrived. On the second night we were there we met an awesome family Jaimey, her husband Terry and their daughter Emma.  We connected right away and hung out every night on their site.  Then we met a few others families that week.  We found out that families have been coming every year with some over 30 years to this campground.  That's why everyone seemed like they were friends.

Do I have you interested in the story so far?  I will continue tomorrow night.  My eyes are heavy and 5am comes quick :)
Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.  Giving thanks and love1

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