Whistler-New Years 2003 |
**Special post today: To my twin cousins Mathieu and Jason Happy 26th Birthday**
Cuba - 2010 |
In 2003 Mathieu, Jason and a friend of their's came from Ontario to visit during New Years!!. They were 16 at the time and my aunt and uncle thought it would be a good idea. Not sure what they were thinking leaving Karen and I to care for three 16 year old boys for a week! And one boy we had never met :))) We stayed in Squamish and went boarding to Whistler for a few days. It was so much fun! On the way back to the hotel the boys asked if they could have beer (police friends pls cover ears). Karen was all for it and I really struggled with them having beer. I was such a nervous nelly and worried that they could be sick if they drank. I didn't want their first drinking experience to be bad. Karen was pretty sure that this wasn't their first time drinking beer. After much debate I decided to buy a 12 pack. I thought that when we got back to the hotel we could each have one and save they rest for the next night. So we did. It was fun! We laughed and shared some great stories. They said they were feeling happy. Karen and I decided to go to bed. We told them not to stay up too late because we were boarding again in the morning. They thanked us for the beer and we said goodnight. When we woke up later in the morning we noticed that they drank all the beer. I'm sure I checked to see if they still had a pulse. I couldn't believe it. They drank the remaining 7 beer and they weren't even sick. When they woke up they were laughing at me. They told me it wasn't their first time drinking (sorry Auntie Edna from all of us) :) but they knew I was nervous so waited until I went to bed to drink the rest....LOL
Mathieu and Jason: I am as proud of you today as I was 26 years ago. My love for you is magical. Your accomplishments so far in life along side your love for family is admirable. I can't wait for the day one and or both of you gets married. I will be right where I have always been...by your side.
Happy, Happy 26th Birthday you two handsome boyz. Love from me to you xoxo
Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing. Giving much thanks and a whole lotta love.
Thanks for
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