Friday 11 January 2013

Many years of happiness and love.......

Day 11 of my 365 day blog challenge

This past April my mom married a very kind, gentle loving man Michael King aka my new  Two years ago my father passed away.  My parents were married for 40+ years.  When my dad passed away I worried about my mom.  She was with my dad for so long that I wasn't sure how she would be.  Being so far away, it was a constant concern of mine.

I remember when my mom called me to tell me that she had met someone and his name was Mike.  I had mixed emotions at the time but I truly just wanted my mom to find happiness.  I knew that my dad wasn't coming back.  Mike wasn't here to try and replace my dad but rather add to my moms life.  They fell in love.  I was in 100% support of my mom and Mike getting married. 

Sometimes in life we only consider how we are feeling about something rather than seeing the other side.  My mom has always supported me throughout my life.  How could I not be supportive of her.  She asked me to walk her down the isle and honestly, I couldn't be more proud.  To be a part of my moms wedding was something that I never imagined.  I held her hand walking her down the isle while she was shaking and her handsome soon to be husband was waiting shaking too.  It was a beautiful wedding.  To see my mom and Mike so happy was such an amazing feeling.  The best part about this happy couple is that Mike has a really big family and now I have some pretty amazing siblings and cousins in my life. 

Our family came together that day to show their love and support for my mom and Mike.  We put whatever feelings some may have had aside and went to the wedding.  It's not for anyone else to say how long one should wait to marry again.  If it feels right, you follow your heart.  I'm so happy and blessed that my mom did.  My father would approve.

You never know what lies ahead in life.  What challenges, obstacles or new adventures will come your way.  I have fully embraced my moms decisions.  I know I made her so happy on her wedding day giving her away to Mike.  I wish them both many years of happiness and love.......

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.  Giving love and thanks!

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